Login to ManageMyHealth
Your online portal for health records, making appointments, requesting scripts, etc.
Best Treatments Website
Excellent UK website – made available until the end of 2004. Although only a relatively limited number of conditions is covered, the information provided is based on the most accurate scientific analysis of the research, and it is presented in a very clear and concise format.
The dermnet website is NZ based and has a huge library of information about all sorts of skin conditions. We find this very useful in practice and recommend it for anyone wanting more information about skin problems.
Labtests Locations
You can quickly locate your nearest laboratory collection depot and check their opening hours here.
Health and Disability Commissioner
All information about your rights as a health care user is available from the website of the H&D Commissioner
Immunisation Advisory Centre
IMAC has recently revised their website; you will find a large library of scientifically based reliable resources about immunisation – including fair and complete information about the risks and benefits of immunisation.
Medsafe – Patient Information on Medicines
The Ministry of Health maintains this database of standardised information sheets about medications registered in New Zealand.
Ministry of Health NZ
The Ministry of Health website maintains a reasonable database of information about issues of current concern, for example SARS, meningitis B, and so on.
NZ Health – NZ Patient Information
This website has a good number of useful, good quality information pages about common health problems. These are produced locally for NZ use and often include links to other reputable sites
NZ Sites – National Library
The National Library maintains a directory of health websites which is up to date, although the quality of the links listed varies.
Pharmac Schedule
None of us can keep up to date with the ever-changing schedule of drugs which the government’s drug-buying agency Pharmac pays for. This is the place to find out which drugs are subsidised by Pharmac and what the alternatives are.
Travel Information – Centers for Disease Control
This USA based site offers excellent advice about recommendations for travel to different parts of the world. You can use this to base your discussions with your doctor about your vaccination requirements.