• Blockhouse Bay Medical Centre - Native Bush

Patient Info

How to Access Your Test Results

If your results indicate that some action is required, the practice will contact you. If you do not hear from us you may assume that the test result has given no cause for concern.

Some results may not be available for up to two weeks.

Please note: Your test results automatically go to TestSafe for storage and access by health professionals, if you do not wish your tests to be stored there, please let the laboratory know at your next test. Tick the opt out clause on the test form.

Laboratory Locations and Hours

Click here for opening hours and locations of local laboratory collection depots.

Change of Details — Please Let Us Know

This surgery is required to comply with the Health Information Privacy Code 1994. One of the requirements is that before the use of health information we are to take reasonable steps to ensure it is up to date and accurate. We ask that if your details change in any way, could you please notify us as soon as possible. This will help us communicate with you more effectively


If you are booking an appointment with the Doctor or Nurse and would like to have a chaperone during the consultation please let the practice know at time of booking your appointment. For some procedures the practice may have a chaperone.

15 Minute Appointments

To be considerate of other patients, if you need longer than a 15 minute appointment, please book a 2 appointment slot. If more than 1 person needs to be seen, please book these appointments separately

Warning to Drug Seekers

The name and description of any individual attending this surgery who is suspected of seeking drugs will be notified to appropriate individuals or organization which include, (but will not be limited to) the Police, other health practitioners, other health and disability providers and/or pharmacists.


The principle of enrolment is crucial to the government’s primary health care strategy. Ensuring that patients obtain their health care from one general practice will undoubtedly help make their care more efficient and effective. There is a lot of evidence that continuity of care results in better health. Some of the key points about this system are:

  • Patients can only enrol with one general practice. If you choose to enrol with another practice, you are automatically no longer enrolled with the previous practice.
  • The fact that you are enrolled with one general practice does not restrict you from consulting another doctor somewhere else.
    If you consult another practice (other than your enrolled practice) any government subsidy which applies for your consultation is deducted from your enrolled practice’s capitation payment. This is especially relevant for the under 6 age group, where the subsidy is the highest.
  • At some time over the next 3 years, all patients will be asked to sign a form which indicates you wish to be enrolled with this practice, and that you understand the implications of this. Even if you have been coming to the Blockhouse Bay Medical Centre for many years, you will need to do this.
  • The government agency responsible for coordinating the information about which patient is enrolled with which practice has used rules which seem unfair to providers, and appears to have made many errors in applying them. This results in many patients appearing to be enrolled at the wrong practice. All patients are identified in this system using a supposedly unique health identifier number, the National Health Index (NHI) number. Some of you will already be familiar with this, since the hospitals have been using this number to identify you in the system for many years.

It is important to understand the principles of enrolment. For patients who are enrolled with us, we ask that you try to obtain your health care from us, except after hours. The system encourages this partnership (and provides a financial penalty for us if you consult other practices). An information brochure is available which explains the details about enrolment: please ask at the desk if you wish to see this.

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